Rene Montemayor

Hall of FAME


Vice-Chairman of the Board


Mr. Rene R. Montemayor is being nominated to the Hall of FAME for his highly impressive accomplishments during his long and enviable professional career, the outstanding leadership he demonstrated as head of the companies he was with,  establishing himself as  a game changer in the companies he led,   his  acumen in  turning around the company’s financial performance  and for consistently instilling the values of respect, fairness and people development  among his associates. 

His major accomplishments include building the Integrated Broiler Chicken Operation as one of the major players in the industry, built purefoods to market leadership in the fresh processed meat market, creatively adopted Purefood's more responsive financial and business reporting, introduced new systems of planning, accountability, and meritocracy as a basis for rewards in the Center for Leadership and Change. He also modeled the values of fair play, equity, nurturing, and developing his associate to enable them to grow professionaly and get them to bigger leadership positions.

In line with his commitment to share his good fortune, took on the leadership role of raising funds for 30 homes in their first GK site and 5 homes in their 2nd GK site.